Category Archives: Articles

7 Ways to Keep Birds Out of the Garden

Birds can be a welcome addition to your garden, but sometime we want to keep birds out of the garden.   Many kinds birds are great they eat garden pests such as snails and insects. Unless of course they are eating your fruit or plucking your fish out of your pond!  Then something needs to be done. The… Read More »

Pew, 7 Ways to Keep Skunks Out of the Garden

We all know the stories about skunks and are familiar with how much they can smell.  That might not be the biggest issue when you are dealing with the garden or your yard.  So how do you keep skunks out of the garden or yard? There are several things that work with these creatures but first let’s discuss… Read More »

How to keep Cats Out of the Garden

Cats are great animals but not always fun if they are in your yard or garden and they are not yours.  As you may have read on the home page about my cat in my garden problem.  I had to get rid of him and found a way to do it.  After such time I have looked at… Read More »

How to Keep Squirrels Out of the Garden

The North American acrobats of the trees, squirrels.  Wow are they fun to watch.  The cool thing is you can see them frolicking just about anytime of day.  The bad thing is they can chow through a garden in no time.  Just when you think that you are going to pick that fruit or veggie and BAM it… Read More »

Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden

Fluffy, Cute, Cuddly little creatures that is how many people would describe bunnies. To be honest so would I most of the time, unless they are in my garden. They can be the bane of many large or even small gardens.  So how do you keep rabbits out of the garden? First we need to keep in mind… Read More »